Not too late in the year for wildflowers to bloom, wherever a seed happens to land and take root.
This one has some chopped-off stems, but one flower is out and a couple more are nearing that point.
Begun in 2020 as Pandemic Quarantine Diary, and now it's whatever strikes my fancy.
I was at Tabby's Place today, but not inside. OK, I was inside petting cats some of the time, but along about 2:30, everywhere I wanted to go was already occupied with humans, so I went outside and wandered around looking for wildflowers.
Evening Primrose in the afternoon
Milk Thistle with Peck's Skipper
Just off the parking lot of a bank in Lower Macungie. Driving home after getting a Wally Hog, which might not have to close. The co-owner told us today that the news stories which appeared earlier in the week had attracted job hunters. Let's hope so.