Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Still time

Not too late in the year for wildflowers to bloom, wherever a seed happens to land and take root.  
This one has some chopped-off stems, but one flower is out and a couple more are nearing that point.  

Monday, September 26, 2022

Thanks, Bidens

Bidens polylepis, that is.  There was a big patch of these flowers in a field alongside a road in rural southeastern Pennsylvania, and conveniently, there was a fire station with an big parking lot right across from it.  All I had to do was park and walk across the road.  It's not often that easy to find a place to park a car when taking pictures of wildflowers.  

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Not Too Late

The asters down the road that blossom in late summer are mostly past their peak now, in the first week of autumn.  But this one still has enough for a pollinator to stop by.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2022



Google Images has so many yellow daisy-like wildflowers, and although some sort of resemble this flower, I'm not going to commit to any of them.  Just look, save the image, and enjoy.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Now, what is this?

Orange Butterfly Weed

I was at Tabby's Place today, but not inside.  OK, I was inside petting cats some of the time, but along about 2:30, everywhere I wanted to go was already occupied with humans, so I went outside and wandered around looking for wildflowers.   

Friday, September 9, 2022

An unexpected pleasure

Growing next to the garage, some volunteer Helianthus divaricatus L., or Woodland Sunflower/Rough Sunflower to you and me.  

Saturday, September 3, 2022

September wildflowers

Evening Primrose in the afternoon

Milk Thistle with Peck's Skipper

Just off the parking lot of a bank in Lower Macungie.  Driving home after getting a Wally Hog, which might not have to close.  The co-owner told us today that the news stories which appeared earlier in the week had attracted job hunters.  Let's hope so.