Begun in 2020 as Pandemic Quarantine Diary, and now it's whatever strikes my fancy.
Friday, December 27, 2024
Translation, please?
Awhile back, I had a local camera shop make a DVD of a 25-year-old 8mm home video. I fiddled with it, tried to edit it, failed. Speccy said that the CPU (Intel Core i7 10700 @ 2.90 GHz) had zoomed up to 98 degrees Celsius. I put the DVD aside for 3 years.
Now, as a recent retiree with more time to educate myself, it's time to try again. After a couple of hours of trying, I still don't feel like I have a handle on it yet, although I have learned a couple of things that don't work.
Find VOB files on the DVD: check
Import a VOB file into OpenShot: check
Preview VOB file in OpenShot: appears on timeline, but with blank screen and no audio
Try again. Google some more.
Convert VOB file to MP4 with VLC media player: Good picture, audio sounds like a chainsaw cutting down a tree
Try again. Google some more. Someone on Reddit advised to "Remux VOB to MP4 with Handbrake", which is another language altogether.
Next - read and learn about using HandBrake, and remux it, don't convert it. I think that's what next, anyway. But not tonight, though.
Anyway, I learned something.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
At the end of the day
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
My Day
We worked on Spelling Bee and finished it just after 9:00 a.m. I learned what "teff" is.
PG asked me about a couple of baseball terms in the mystery story she's reading. The book is more than 50 years old, so a younger person might not have heard a pitcher/catcher combination referred to as a battery.
Mastercard bill notification. I confirmed the two charges are legit (sheet set for us and winter socks for me) and that we're on autopay.
Did some virtual traveling to a couple of neighborhoods where I used to live. I remember a large building where my mother used to work that's gone now, according to Google Maps. The Gulf station on the corner near the high school is gone, too.
Alternated between reading (X, Bluesky, Feedly, The New Yorker) and working in the kitchen (baking, cleaning up).
On my way past an episode of Wagon Train, the TiVo cast list included Dick Cutting. If you want to google Dick Cutting, be prepared for results that don't pertain to an actor.
Played some iPad games together on the bed upstairs. Never anything competitive, always games where we work as a team to solve the puzzles.
She turned over and went to sleep, and I came in here to scroll through browser history for this post.
Checked status of an order. Not shipped yet. No rush.
Bluesky post from Sky News reports that nearly 600K persons in GB will be all alone on Christmas Day. I should call my late sister's ex-husband tomorrow.
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 23, 2024
What's Up?
9:52 PM, 12/23/2024
Audio: Walter Winchell's Jergens Journal on the Blue Network, 9/12/1943 (at 85% speed to catch the details)
Screen: Screen shot of DrummerWorld, dated 2006, stating that the grip endorsed by Spivack is a 3-point, with the middle finger controlling the up-down motion while the index finger and thumb control left-right motion.
Audio: Via RadioGarden, Radio Tsunami - Classica
Video: Green Bay-New Orleans, Monday Night Football
Percentage of attention: Winchell 82%, Screen shot 15%, RadioGarden 2%.
Friday, December 20, 2024
40 years later
December 19, 1984. Everything changed. Everything got better.
With a beautiful wife
It doesn't usually work out like this, I know that much. Thankful, grateful, blessed.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Way back, waaay back...
Sunday, December 15, 2024
A good day

Friday, December 13, 2024
Just asking questions!
Ordinarily, PG goes to bed about 9:00, while I stay up a few more hours. I usually have a sketchy to-do list, with the understanding that I am allowed to veer off it in the event that something more interesting comes to mind.
For a few weeks after the election, I was taking meds to reduce stress and its effects, and while my appetite for stress eating was agreeably reduced, there was an additional effect that wasn't as welcome. Inertia and mild lethargy kept me from doing more than the absolutely necessary. I would find things online that I bookmarked and never could inspire myself to revisit, and that rankled. Are you alive or aren't you?
So now I'm unmedicated once more -- yes, a senior citizen who is taking no prescription medicine, no non-prescription medicine, and no supplements. I recognize that this is uncommon in someone of my advanced years, and I am thankful.
Food intake is under control, consisting most days of cereal and juice for the morning meal, followed between noon and 5:00 by a normal meal. Today's was homemade chili and mini pretzels with dabs of peanut butter. Hardly ever a dessert. No soda, not even any lemonade. Weight has gradually crept downward, even though the weather hasn't been conducive to taking walks.
Then, where's the question referenced in the subject line?
I'll tell you: Why can't I concentrate? No, that's not it. On Tuesday, I visited the cat sanctuary and took more than a hundred photos, and early the next morning went through them all. Downloading, tagging, sorting, organizing, all that before deciding which to discard and which to prepare for uploading to the Flickr database. When I'm doing that, it's as close as I've felt to the last few years of my job. I felt confident that there wasn't anything I couldn't handle, and when I received something that called on me to do parts of the job I enjoyed, it produced the opposite of stress.
Tonight I did a little writing for the Kitten Fund's letter to supporters, another post-retirement task that causes no stress. When the draft was done, I consulted that list of bookmarks and took a few off the list. Reading isn't as easy as it used to be, it's harder to concentrate on the printed page; is that the result of months of X and Bluesky shortening my attention span? In a few paragraphs, let alone pages, I'm feeling impulses that there's something else I should be doing instead. There are three books resting on the table next to the keyboard, and a small LED reading light alongside them. I don't seem to be able to read very long, and that's never been an issue before. What's going on here, adult-onset ADHD?
Thursday, December 12, 2024
I Have Questions
For fun, I decided to try to make kiffles today for Xmas. I researched recipes and compared them to one from PG's family. Each of the recipes contained some small difference from the others. Most made the cookie portion without sugar, but one version did. Another called for 2 1/4 cups of flour instead of the 2 in most others, while still another recipe insisted on 3 sticks of butter while the rest of them only needed 2.
And then, when they were all rolled out and put together, how long should they bake and at what temperature? 12 minutes at 375? 13-15 minutes at 350? Or some other combination? There was no consensus.
My first attempt this afternoon did not resemble Martha Stewart's finished products, nor any of those produced by the enthusiastic amateurs on YouTube. The best I can say for mine is that they were edible. Aesthetically, they looked like something created by a rank amateur, and I can affirm that they will be the worst I ever make.
Most recipes recommended Solo brand filling, so I followed suit, picking some up at Wegmans. I chose a self-checkout register and found a dime on the floor beneath where customers can hang their shopping bags. The part I'm wondering about is what someone in a debit/credit card-only line would be doing with change in their hand in the first place. Oh well, their small loss is a small gain for the cats at Tabby's Place.
Monday, December 9, 2024
Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Saturday Evening Post
Let me see... with another day together, PG and I drove to the At Home store, where she picked out some new bath rugs and a matching set of towels. They asked us to sign up for their mailing list, so I gave them a non-essential email address and they took 10% off the bill. Eight bucks is eight bucks.
On the way there and back, we listened to the Max podcast Talking Pictures with guest Carol Burnett. We saw that the new building that had been going up while PG was getting her PT nearby turned out to be a medical office. Catty-corner from it, where there used to be a stable, there's now a storage unit.
We stopped at Wegmans and got stuff from our shopping list, which ended up costing nearly as much as the rugs and towels, but took up far less space. There wasn't even any meat in either of the shopping bags. Parmesan cheese, mezzaluna pasta, pierogies, bananas, a cucumber, vinaigrette, paprika, oregano, lemonade, ice cream, Pepsi for tomorrow's pizza, probably too much info.
Small tasks: brought the corded leaf blower inside off the deck and put it in the basement until next fall. Brought the battery-powered blower in from the garage and used it to move the dust and fur on the basement steps to the bottom, then put it and its batteries next to the other blower. Took a gas can to a nearby Wawa and got a couple of gallons of alcohol-free gasoline, which will be used in the snow blower this winter.
PG watched Whitstable Pearl, and across the room, while my little cat rested on my lap, I watched YouTube on the laptop. Irma La Douce, some music videos. Drummed along with Lenny Kravitz's Low, which is slow enough and simple enough for an inexperienced student. Later, a few minutes of a 23-year-old Joan Crawford in Our Dancing Daughters on the TiVo.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Still here
Another good day with PG. After breakfast, I made a blueberry streusel cake, and when that was out of the oven, put together some spaghetti sauce from her recipe. I chopped the onion and she grated the garlic.
Early afternoon, we were in the family room. She watched Whitstable Pearl and I watched some bookmarked YouTube videos with headphones on the laptop. My little cat climbed onto my lap sometime during it all.
Supper at 3:00 as usual. (Cereal for breakfast, and a filling but low-calorie supper. No lunch. I want to drop a few more pounds before the next 6-month checkup in January.) Rice bowl, consisting of some cut-up turkey breast leftovers in a mixture of spanish rice, peas, corn, and pinto beans, with taco cheese and salsa on top. Later, two chocolate chip cookies, a cup of hot chocolate, and a 1 x 1 square of the blueberry streusel cake. Up here in the office, drum practice for an hour and four hard candies.
Too cold and windy to walk outside. Did fill bird feeders off the deck, otherwise stayed in all day.