Monday, March 10, 2025

Once around the neighborhood

Tomorrow, it's supposed to feel springlike, but today was another late-winter day with cold wind throughout.  Not as cold as it has been, granted, but when I decided to go for a walk after finishing off the last of a pint of Graeter's Black Raspberry, I layered up and was glad I did.

Just before the last right turn into the home stretch, I looked across the street and saw two rabbits in the yard of the house on the northwest corner.  Encouraging, as was hearing robins at two separate times during the walk.  

Also heard a favorite song right after walking in to the Macungie Weis (aka the Nice Weis) this afternoon.  PG looked and sounded much better than she has in the weeks since she came down with a virus.  It was a good day, pardon the expression.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Costco Wardrobe

After losing weight, my XL clothes are overly loose.  I picked up long-sleeved Woolrich t-shirts at Costco in size L, which are heavier than the average and which fit well.  When I put them in the closet, I saw two pairs of casual pants and two sweatpants that I realized I'd also found on large flat display tables at the Costco down the street.  Functional good-quality clothing, that's what I'm after.  

Tell you the truth, that long winter underwear in one of those closet cubbies also came from there.