Friday, September 24, 2021

Now I get it

 Tomorrow's to-do list:

PetSmart for cat food (1 chicken and rice, 1 lamb and rice)

Weed whack the green stuff growing up between the cracks on the brick walk in the back yard

If dessert cups arrive from Amazon (4  X 6 oz, paid for with free Amazon store credit), cook some vanilla pudding from scratch.

Replace furnace filter

Help BB solve the Spelling Bee; we used to settle for Genius level, but now we shoot for Queen Bee.  Genius without clues, QB with them.  If we don't get to the final goal, it's because a word or two on their list is among the few that isn't in either of our vocabularies.

Pretty darn mundane, right?  But these are the kinds of days I hoped would return when BB was undergoing chemo and recovering from a broken leg.  I shouldn't be thinking, "What am I going to do today to keep from feeling useless?"   

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