Friday, May 27, 2022

My Day

 A day off with pay, the first day of a four-day weekend.  I woke up at 3:15 and lay awake for hours, and did Wordle and Spelling Bee to pass some of the time.  Finally got back to sleep around 6:00.

Woke up again about quarter till 8:00.  Showered, drove to the dentist for the first cleaning and checkup since January 2020.  Teeth and gums in surprisingly good shape.  Look ma, no cavities!  The dental hygienist gave me an extended semi-soft pitch to buy a Water-Pik.

* to Walmart to pick up a prescription for PG; also a few dozen pounds of bird seed.  Time was, she and I would go out to dinner and drop $50.  Now, we buy dinner for the birds and the squirrels and drop $50.

* the credit union, for some cash for granddaughter Diana's 18th birthday and so PG could cash a couple of small reimbursement checks from her Medicare medigap policy

* the Weis in Macungie, nominally for some tomatoes, but also for the drive.  It's phlox season along the country roads, tall batches of purple and white flowers standing out amidst the green.  

* Wally's Deli for The Usual, a medium Boss Hog, hold the onions, sweet peppers instead of hot, add tomatoes, lettuce, and dressing.  PG got 3 small bags of an Utz-made potato chip sold only in small bags at delis.  Kettle chips, primarily in peanut oil.

* Home for lunch.  Went back out to Costco, hoping to fill up the gas tank ($4.66 a gallon these days) prior to driving to Tabby's Place tomorrow morning.  No such luck - the lines were longer than I've ever seen at this Costco.  Settled for going inside and getting peanuts, a two-pack of Rao's pasta sauce, and a pound of pecans.  

* A thunderstorm followed.

* Put together another playlist in YouTube Music, consisting of 1980's pop with a connection to Steely Dan.  Eye to Eye and Love and Money (Gary Katz), two albums by China Crisis (Walter Becker), and some one-offs like Jennifer Warnes's cover of Big Noise, New York.  The name came from another SD fan; since there weren't any SD releases between The Nightfly in 1982 and Kamakiriad in 1993, this described the music we used to get by between the two:  Metha-Dan.  

* Moments ago, someone thought they'd get a jump on Halloween and rapidly rang our doorbell twice.  Of course, when I checked there was nobody out there.  Ha. Ha.

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