Sunday, April 28, 2024

A squatter on the property

For years, the shed at the back of our property has sheltered local suburban wildlife.  Mostly rabbits, but we believe the little black pooshka took refuge under it as well.  

There were a pair of hollowed out spots on the south side where the current residents could come and go.  But now, one of those hollows that formerly consisted only of Pennsylvania earth has on top of it a layer of stones that had been excavated from under the shed, as in the photo above.  Out of the frame were some wads of fur on the lawn nearby.  

Searches online this morning were inconclusive as to the responsible animal.  I've never seen groundhogs or skunks around here, but when we were feeding the pooshka we'd also be visited by raccoons.  

I posed the question on Facebook, and one responder advised, "My guess is a raccoon burrowing underneath to make a spot for babies especially if finding fur which they pull out to use in their dens." 

Further online searches included useful ways to learn more (sprinkle a layer of cornstarch at the entrance to obtain paw prints) and discourage them from staying (used cat litter and human urine at the same location).  


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