Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Books I'm at least in the process of reading

  • The History of the Standard Oil Company, Ida Tarbell
  • Eastward Ha!, S. J. Perelman
  • First and Last, Ring Lardner
  • The Collected Stories of Dorothy Parker
  • The Campaign of the Century, Greg Mitchell
  • "The Good War", Studs Terkel
  • Ernie's War:   The Best of Ernie Pyle's World War II Dispatches
  • Brave Men, Ernie Pyle
  • Guadalcanal Diary, Richard Tregaskis
  • The Fifties, David Halberstam
  • Much Ado About Me, Fred Allen
  • October 1964, David Halberstam
  • The Summer Game, Roger Angell
  • Drift, Rachel Maddow
  • The Last Love Song, Terry Daugherty
  • Elderhood, Louise Aronson
  • Dark Money, Jane Mayer
  • Modern Romance, Aziz Ansari
Then there's the list of books that I haven't started yet...

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