Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What happened today?

After lunch, Pat and I drove to Trexlertown via the bypass.  The big pond of standing water across from Air Products campus appears to have dried up.

First stop, the post office.  Pat went in alone, masked.  No 5-cent stamps there, intended to get them to go with the Zazzle 50-centers at home.  Mailed ballots for PA Primary with some forever stamps bought there.

Next, People First FCU.  Drive-through windows only, lobby is closed.  Pat deposited proceeds from savings bonds bought originally in 1990.  Cashier said she would have to mail the receipt later.

Next, Giant.  Dropped Pat off at the entrance, then parked across from the exit and caught up with her.  They have given up on one-way aisles.  That didn't last long.  Still, nobody I saw was blatantly ignoring the social distancing rules.

A couple was standing in front of the juices, and the man said he was choosing a certain brand of grapefruit juice that cost less.  The woman with him told him he should just pick the one he liked best; "life is short," she concluded.  I walked away before learning how he decided.

The checkout line snaked around the seasonal aisle, then stretched back through the bakery and around the corner until about halfway down the far dairy aisle.  We wound up being assigned to checkout lane #15, where I found a dime.  No bags from home allowed at Giant.

Not yet used to masks on everyone, or the plexiglas shield between customer and cashier.  The credit card machine had plastic across the key pad.  For the first time, tapping the Costco Visa against the screen worked.  Didn't need to insert the card.  "Only" $74 today.  Last time at Wegmans set us back $110 or so.  Of course, we bought more meat that day.

Pushing the cart out the door, saw a masked man trying to enter and being told by a Giant employee that it's an exit only.  He was wearing Coca-Cola apparel and said to her in an irritated voice, "I'm a vendor" and walked by her into the store.

Days like this, with a little driving, a little grocery shopping, feel pretty close to normal, despite the masks and the signs everywhere proclaiming service workers as heroes.  After supper, I caught up on reading the daily info and then watched some NCAA volleyball from 2018 on YouTube - Nebraska swept Kentucky 3-0.

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