Saturday, August 29, 2020

Saturday Evening Post


Change -- there's no stopping it.  For years, maybe even decades, I bought plain, simple Dial Basics bar soap.  The packages looked like the photo above, and even though they weren't sold everywhere, I knew I could always get it at Dollar Tree.  Three for a buck, dependable as a sunrise.  

Until a few weeks ago, when I stopped at DT and checked the soap aisle.  The new package held only two bars of Dial Basics.  You can do the math:  two for a dollar, six bars for three dollars where it used to be six bars for two dollars.  Yessir, it hit me like a ton of bricks.  

I dug under the surface and found several 3-packs underneath.  Recognizing a Last Chance when I saw it, I put some in my basket, frowning a little at being present at the end of an era... 

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