Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday post

Slept well.  Got up, gave Nelson a brushie.

Signed on to work laptop and found 40 emails from Friday's day off.  Handled a few of them, filed a few more.  It'll make tomorrow morning a little easier.

Bowl of cereal, grapefruit juice and seltzer

Raked up twigs and branches dislodged during tropical storm.  Jerry next door volunteered to take them away.

problem with refrigerator.  changed filter and the water dispenser stopped working.  took out the filter and it worked again.  put in a different filter and it stopped working again.

mowed front and sides, took a break

mowed the rest, saw a young rabbit hop from the shed to the island. 

took a shower.  weight now 241.8.  gave nelson another brushie.

tacos for supper.  graeter's black raspberry ice cream afterward

pat watching midsomer murders from the sofa.  kit on floor on his back in front of me.

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