Friday: I had the day off, so we drove to Shoprite in Bethlehem just for a change. I guess the days of 40-cent seltzer are gone. We paid $7.99 for 12 bottles, not $4.80.
Got a haircut, first one since July. SuperCuts looks like any other strip mall hair salon, but they've got a few extra things. Nice to be able to set up an appointment online and make sure your favorite is available. I also appreciate the hot towel on the neck afterward.
Today's events: took three bags of old receipts to the park down the road for the township shredding event. Pat correctly remembered that the lines started out long and only got longer, so we got there before the 9:00 a.m. starting time and still were about 30th in line.
The homeless cat we call Puffy stayed in the little house on our deck all day. His face looked like he'd been in yet another fight, and we were concerned that he was badly injured, but when the little black pooshka arrived near sunset, he came out and ate alongside her.
And I made four loaves of babka. Pat says it's light and fluffy, the way she likes it.
I watched an inning or two of game 4 of the World Series before shutting it down.