Saturday, October 10, 2020

Then and now

 More World War II radio newscasts tonight.  A CBC newsman in May 1945 described the prices for scarce staples in Amsterdam and Apeldoorn, that wouldn't have been out of place now, 75 years later.  $4.00 for a loaf of bread?  That's what I'm paying at Wegmans.  But I saw a radio in a 1948 ad with a list price of $49.95, and plugging the numbers into a site devoted to conversion into 2020 dollars, learned that the small radio was going for the equivalent of $500 today.

The newscasts celebrated the meeting in Germany of U.S. and Soviet troops, and looked ahead to the end of the European war, then further ahead to fighting the Japs. Of course, I know that's a racist slur now.

So I switched the YouTube channel to one featuring European volleyball, and one of the courtside signs displayed the name Apeldoorn, and the screen had a graphic at top left with the team name abbreviations.


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