Monday, January 18, 2021

Something (or another)

 As with a lot of useful information, this one has been attributed to a number of persons.  I'll just go with old reliable "Anonymous."

The pandemic hasn't had any effect on the first two points.  My job is still necessary and can be done from home.  And after 36 years with BB, I have someone to love and someone to be loved by.

That leaves the third point.  With so much deferred due to Covid-19, the short-term things to look forward to is a pretty short list.  But I'm going to look harder and think more about it.

So, what've I got for tonight?  I looked forward to some Quality Time with my good girl, Good Queen Schwirly.  Sure enough, around 8:00 I went into the kitchen, and soon she was there with me, looking up and mewing.  That's the constant step 1.  

Then, she goes to her dry food dish and eats a few bits while I pet her.  Eventually, she lifts her head and we both make our way to the living room.  I try to sit down first and place a fleece blanket on my lap, and she jumps up and makes herself comfortable on it.  She stays as long as she likes; tonight I didn't have a clock handy, but it was at least 15 minutes.  She was content.  I was happy.

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