Monday, November 29, 2021

Another day

In my recliner, satisfied that I got some things accomplished today besides work and in addition to the NYT Spelling Bee.  We all need to keep busy, right?  I know I like to.

Read a couple of articles that had been printed to PDF and put aside in a folder named "You saved this for a reason", but just hadn't gotten to yet.  Today I did.  

- New Yorker, 1995, Curtis LeMay.  Left to wonder how we avoided full-on nuclear war while he was in command.  

- Some Asian business site on how China is in a corrupt real estate bubble.

Saved in that same folder, I listened to a podcast with Tom Scott talking with Donald Fagen.

In the news, electric rates are about to shoot up.  I checked the files for information about our contract with First Energy.  First, I learned they're now called Energy Harbor.  PG found paperwork they sent in 2020 setting down in black and white our 3-year contract for 100% wind-generated power at a fixed rate.  Can they add surcharges for times like these?  If they can, no doubt they will.

Wrote something for Fenek, the Special Needs cat.  Turned in something for Flash.

Prepared a half-dozen photos taken on Black Friday and posted them on the Flickr site rented by TP.  

Tonight after supper, drank a Pepsi and watched S01E07 of The Defenders, guest starring Frank Gorshin.  Pat watches the mysteries on Amazon Prime, I watch the movies and TV shows that aren't yet out of copyright, but are posted anyway on YouTube.  Occasionally I put on Netflix for Mank or The Sparks Brothers.

Want to remember:  at 4:15 or so, Good Queen Swirly came upstairs into my home office and jumped into my lap.  Can't remember the last time she did that.  And every time I reached over to the keyboard to type, she'd stretch her neck and rub her head insistently against my hands.  No typing, keep petting me!

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