Tuesday, November 23, 2021

My Day

This is a period between acute crises.  Both of us are healthy, and there's enough money so that we want for nothing.  We're happy, best friends.  

Work keeps me busy enough during working hours, and after 5:00 I'm not running to a doctor, an emergency room, or a hospital.  Good times, right?  

It's OK, I'm telling myself, not to have some cause occupying my mind all-day-every-day, the way the cat story page did for several years.  

So tonight after supper, I put on YouTube, intending to watch Louisiana Purchase (one of four Bob Hope movies in the top 10 for the year 1941, I learned today).  Yes, there's a bootleg version out there, and I bookmarked it this afternoon.  Instead, I found Idiocracy first and watched that, followed by another episode of The Plot Thickens/Lucy, and then the January 16, 1960 episode of The Jerry Lewis Timex Show in full-color videotape.  No commercials, though, but I don't doubt that I can find John Cameron Swayze someplace else out there in the great big rabbit hole that is YouTube.  But not until after I see Louisiana Purchase.

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