Tuesday, December 28, 2021

My Day

 Dot dot dot... besides eight hours of paid employment, I also did the following:

Listened to the "Drear Poosen" episode of Jack Benny from 1950... the show featured "Michael Romanoff".  Right afterward, read an article (can't recall where it was) that contained a photo feature about "Michael Romanoff".  Coincidence?  I think so.  

Read an issue of the Toledo Blade from 1940... it had columns from Ernie Pyle (in South America) and Eleanor Roosevelt's My Day.  

Listened to a Cincinnati public radio station with an episode of Mike Whorf's Kaleidoscope, telling a half-hour version of the life of Eleanor Roosevelt.  Can't say when the episode was put together, but I listened to K'scope close to 50 years ago on WJR.  J.P. McCarthy from 6 to 10, Mike Whorf from 10 to 11, Karl Haas with Adventures in Good Music from 11 to noon.  

Listened to an Audm reading of an article from The New Yorker.  The article is dated 2020, but it's about aging...

Read a TNY article about the podcast 70 By 70, in which people older than I am describe life from their particular perspective...

Watched the last 15 minutes of a late-1950's episode of Date with an Angel, with Betty White, Richard Deacon, and Burt Mustin...

And at this moment, Trouble In Paradise (1932) is on TCM.  Are you detecting a pattern?

Podcast subscriptions to You Must Remember This, Sass Mouth Dames (both about Hollywood history), and Cocaine and Rhinestones, about the history of country music.  Living in the past, yep, that's me.

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