Saturday, February 26, 2022

My Day

Breakfast:  cereal, juice with seltzer, and the New York Times Spelling Bee, as usual.  Today was my day to get the pangram, "toothpick."

BB and I went to Lowe's to look at shades.  She looked, didn't buy any.

PetSmart on MacArthur Road:  two bags of dry ProPlan plus 2 jugs of TidyCats scoopable, and a dozen or so cans of ProPlan.  Enough to get us over the $60 threshold and earn a 15% discount on the entire order.  (something like from 82 down to 68)

Walmart for bird seed, Pepsi, and Dove Bars.  Impulse, bought a $4 box of peanut butter and chocolate Girl Scout cookies.  Ate the entire box, all 15 cookies, before supper.  I still binge like that from time to time.  I can do better, but I don't.

Supper:  pizza and Pepsi.  Dessert:  homemade vanilla pudding for BB, nothing for me, not after several hundred excess calories in the form of peanut butter and chocolate Girl Scout cookies.

Other times:  BB put on the Tivo'd TCM of Pride and Prejudice, the 1940 version.  My Widdle Baby Durl (TM) Swirly climbed onto my lap and I nodded off about 15-20 minutes in, and BB shut off the film shortly after I woke up again.  She prefers the 1995 version with Colin Firth.

One piece of mail, junk trying to get BB to switch to Liberty Mutual car insurance.  

I began to write something for Tabby's Place, nominally about Fenek, but more about the financial reports and where donations go, and how an independent agency rates TP highly in terms of stewardship.  

For years, I longed for better looks and more artistic talent.  Instead, I got thick glasses, an overbite, but with some writing talent and a certain knack with computers, up to a point.  So rather than being attractive to women who wouldn't be good for me, I have one trusted best friend of 37 years.  Instead of struggling to make a living making art or music, I make a good living doing something I enjoy.

I tried drawing and cartooning.  Still don't understand how to have fun doing them.  Just want to it be over and done with.  But I can open NoteTab and start jotting down a word here, a phrase there, working up sentences and creating paragraphs. Cut and paste and re-arrange, and it's all easy and simple and enjoyable.  In a little while, there's a 200-250 word cat description, or a 400-500 word letter to a Special Needs supporter.  Can drawing be that easy and simple and enjoyable for some other people?

And, a couple of times a month, I get to visit a bunch of cats, write about one or two of them, and take as many pictures as possible while visiting and petting as many as I can get my hands on.  Yessir, living the absolute dream.

Showered, cleaned the shower and tub.  When I opened the bathroom door, there was Good Queen Swirly.  We went to the master bedroom and I put on my jeans standing up, because I knew as soon as I sat back down, she would leap onto my lap (which she did).  Brushed her cheeks and neck with an old Stanley hairbrush until she started getting overstimulated and jumped back down. 

Watched part of an untranslated YouTube of Servant of the People.  It did have Russian subtitles, and I played at deciphering the Cyrillic.  Recognized "spasibo", "president", and "Volodymr Zelenskiy" and figured out the word in parentheses when there was no dialogue was their word for "music".   

Scrolled through Twitter, containing so many salutes and memes in honor of the Ukrainian President.  A few months ago, the stories were about "how he went from TV comic actor to getting 73% of the vote for President, back down to a 25% approval rating."  (He got 30% in the first round in 2019, remember.  The 73% was in the final round, against only the incumbent oligarch.)  

For that matter, it wasn't a week ago that a Ukrainian journalist contributed a few hundred words in the NY Times that described a decent man way in over his head.  (That hasn't aged well.)

Is that pretty much everything?  (Isn't that enough?)

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