Saturday, February 12, 2022

"There are no coincidences", exhibit the latest

 I have several shorts for wearing around the house during the day.  Never for wearing off the property.  Just saw two mature gentlemen wearing similar shorts at the Trexlertown Giant, and wondered what they were thinking.  It doesn't work out there unless you're young and slim.  

Bought my shorts on eBay for about $20 apiece, all with the adidas brand and a logo of the school where adidas has the account.  Nebraska, Ohio U., Texas State, Mississippi State, Tulsa, and Rice.  Today I put on Rice. and when I brought up Twitter this evening, here's what came up:

So it would appear that the data miners are not only using my phone's microphone, but now, its camera.  <wide-eyed ingenue>I mean, how else can you explain it?</wei>

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