Thursday, January 27, 2022

"No coincidences"? Really?

Last night, I was listening to a YouTube recording of the August 1, 1936 game between the Red Sox and the White Sox. About 14 minutes in, the announcer reported the following: The Brooklyn Dodgers have just purchased outfielder Jack Winsett from the Columbus Redbirds of the American Association. 

All well and good. After an inning, I clicked off the ballgame and looked over my Feedly updates. The Public Domain Review had posted "The Kept and the Killed", about photographs commissioned by the US Farm Security Administration to document the Great Depression, but which were rejected. The rejection was done by using a hole punch to put a hole in the negative.

According to the Library of Congress, one of the photos was taken in April 1936. The description reads, "...possibly related to: Interior of rehabilitation client's cabin, Jackson, Ohio." The shabby cabin has newspapers on the wall for insulation, and while most of them are impossible to read, one headline stands out: "Outfielder John Winsett Added to Red Bird Roster".

And the funny thing is that Baseball Reference lists him as Tom Winsett.

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