Thursday, January 20, 2022

Is Everybody Here? Good.

 - Yesterday, I wrote around 200 words for Nyla the tux, and today it was posted on the Tabby's Place website.

- I looked through the nearly 200 photos I took on Sunday and found about a dozen that were worth cropping and touching up for posting to Flickr.  

- I did my job for a full 8 hours.

- I put together notes for Fenek's February letter to supporters.

- I read another chapter of October 1964.

- I listened to Mike Whorf's Kaleidoscope, the subject Oliver Wendell Holmes.

- Read some of "Hollywood Undressed."  Learned about it from You Must Remember This, or technically, Make Me Over.  Madame Sylvia knew how to push herself over and impose herself.  

- I need to get up and prepare fresh pizza dough for tomorrow, but first...

- TCM showed I Am Curious (Yellow) and being a child of that time, I remembered the reaction and Tivo'd it.  Oh, those Swedes and their liberal attitude toward sex.  Now, 53 years later, I'll be the judge of that. 

- Until I remembered the pizza dough, I looked at the clock and saw 7:30 and wondered how I was going to fill the hours until bedtime.  I'm going to be an awful retiree.  

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