Friday, August 12, 2022

End of the road

A couple of years ago, I posted that the Dollar Tree was phasing out 3-packs of Dial Basics hypoallergenic soap and replacing them with 2-packs.  I stocked up on 3-packs and carried on.  

Then Dollar Tree changed to Dollar-and-a-Quarter Tree and I was flinching at paying 62 1/2 cents a bar for something that had been 3 for a dollar.  

But one day, there weren't any two-packs, either.  The next time I visited, still none, and likewise the time after that.  I guess I was thinking they were gearing up to re-introduce three-packs at the new price.

Now here we are, August 2022, and the shelves have been Dial Basics-free for months, and I steeled myself for the worst.  (Where's that tongue-in-cheek font?  I need it about now.)  Tonight, I got the devastating news:

And the thing is, all kidding aside, there aren't many hypoallergenic bar soaps out there, so it's surprising to hear that Dial has abandoned that market.  Ah well, life goes on...

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