Sunday, June 18, 2023

Easy Like Sunday, print edition

Thoughts while scrolling:  on Twitter, I follow This Day in 1923, the work of a man who is an editor at the Wall Street Journal.  Here's one of his tweets from this morning.

I recognized Cobb in the right photo. (Tangent:  that "Can't yank" billboard was also in the background of a scene from Buster Keaton's "The Cameraman", which was shot in The Yankee Stadium, as I heard it called in radio broadcasts from decades ago.  Like the Pentagon was called the Pentagon Building in the WWII newscasts now on YouTube.  But I digress.)

The man on the left doesn't look like Cobb, and is swinging right-handed.  Baseball bugs, cranks, and yanigans like me know Ty Cobb batted lefty.  A quick visit to and the page devoted to the 1923 Detroit Tigers followed.  My answer:  Harry Heilmann, who hit .403 that season and is also a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame.   

Getty Images confirms my guess.

Another source of the obscure word above.

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