Friday, October 27, 2023

Un trou de lapin?

From a story in Le Monde about un nouvel album d’Astérix:  « J’aime les contraintes, elles m’aident, c’est mon côté oulipien », admet Fabcaro...

Oulipien?  Qu'est-ce que c'est?

As a group, Oulipo (an acronym for Ouvroir de littérature potentielle, “workshop of potential literature”) was co-founded about 1960 by the prose polymath Raymond Queneau and included [Georges] Perec, whose most famous, or perhaps notorious, work is perhaps the book-length lipogram La Disparition, translated by Gilbert Adair as A Void. The novel entirely dispenses with the letter e, the most frequently used alphabetical letter in French (and English.)

                                                    -- Generally About Books, 15 September 2019 

It was a rabbit hole that kept me hopping for more than an hour.  Here an essay from the New York Times, there a book review from the New Yorker.  

But it all reminds me of this:

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