Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Making something out of a nothing day

This past Tuesday was cloudy and cold, so I didn't want to go outside.  Inside, work was slow, and neither PG nor I had any appointments on the calendar.  

There was nothing to look forward to.  

I decided to make something happen.  In mid-afternoon, I baked a blueberry streusel cake for her breakfasts.  When I came downstairs to take it out of the oven, I sat in the recliner and Good Queen Swirly took the opportunity to hop into my lap and lie down.  Minutes later, I was napping.

Close to sunset, I took a brown banana to the shed in back, and spooked the rabbit who's the intended recipient of the fruit.  The cottontail ran to the maple stump, then disappeared around the side of the house.  But when I checked this afternoon, all signs of the banana were gone.  

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