Friday, January 3, 2025

Another good day

Today, PG made a rice bowl with shredded skinless chicken breast, and I used up the last of the heavy cream in a pot of chocolate pudding.  Penzey's cocoa, Lindt milk chocolate, 1/2 cup heavy cream and 1 1/2 cups of whole milk.  PG generally doesn't relish chocolate of any kind, but she savored her serving this afternoon.

I enjoyed the chicken-rice bowl, too.  Just some Spanish rice with vegetables to go with the meat, topped with taco cheese and salsa.  Can't be many calories in that meal.  Combined with a quick walk around the neighborhood in early afternoon, despite low 30's temperatures and 15 mph wind, that's going to keep my weight down.   I've got an A1C test coming due next week, and I need all the help I can get.

Today's Whatever-Happened-To:  Watched the opening credits to a 1957 episode of Maverick, and getting second billing after James Garner was Erin O'Brien.  

Picked up a prescription for PG this afternoon.  The new law that limits the out-of-pocket cost for prescriptions under Medicare, dropping this year from about $3,500 to $2,000, may have had something to do with the announcement that the premium for her Part D plan would jump from $38 to $62 in 2025.  However, there are competitors that did not follow suit, so her Part D premium went from $38 to $0.00.  (For this year, anyway.  The phrase "low introductory rate" comes to mind.)  Thankfully, no non-generics among her meds, so there was no charge for today's meloxicam either.  

However, we did have to make one change, because the new Part D has what they call preferred prescribers, and her 2024 pharmacy isn't one of them.  But the new pharmacy is just about the same distance from home.  And on top of all that saving, I found one shiny penny just outside the door of the drugstore and another one at the register.  Net gain for the trip:  two cents!!  (Both of which are going in the little jar for Tabby's Place.  Going in the kitty, you could say.)  Maybe we can get them to deliver at no charge in the future.  

Who carries any change anymore?  Even the bridge commission isn't taking tolls in cash starting this year.

PG received a yearly summary of her life insurance policy, which we usually just scan and file.  She had a question this year, though, so I went to the insurance company's website.  There was no ID/password combination in the password app, which required me to slog through the reminder process and the subsequent log-in process, all of which included two PINs sent by email and two more texted to my phone.  At least it's set up so I won't have to do all that any more.  

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