Sunday, September 27, 2020

Day of rest

 Didn't leave the yard all day.  Gray, not conducive to ambition.  The wild purple asters down the road will have to wait.

Did some reading, the Sunday Times, and the New Yorker, as well as setting aside articles for later.  But what if there are more things that happen later?  Then today's set-asides will join other unread set-aside articles, saved with the best of intentions.  The New Yorker did a story on sugar in 2006, and I was so impressed I saved "The Search for Sweet."  Fourteen years later, there's another long-form story on the continuing search (and re-search) for something to take the place of sugar.    

So then, what did I do today?

  • Used the 20-year-old Hitachi bread maker to prepare some dough for cinnamon buns
  • Used the same bread maker to prepare some pizza dough for future Friday suppers
  • Used the 20-year-old Kitchen-Aid food processor to prepare seven half-cup servings of pizza sauce
  • Helped Pat win this weekend's tourney in WordScapes (filled in for maybe 20 minutes while she made a pit stop)
  • Used the renewed Weber grill for a ribeye steak while Pat sliced and baked potatoes

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