Thursday, December 17, 2020


 Last night I was using the snow thrower on the driveway.  Jerry from next door, a Canadian who has more experience with snow and a large, loud machine for the purpose, brought the latter to help me move the former.  

This morning before work, I was outside again with the machine and some fresh snow.  Less than an hour later, I was in my office at work when the township snowplow zoomed by and re-covered the sidewalk to a depth of several inches.  

After a 11:00 a.m. staff meeting held via WebEx, I fired up the snow machine one more time and cleared the sidewalk one more time.  There wasn't time for a meal before my 1:00 WebEx.  But after the 1:00 ended, I took a long warm shower and put on clean dry clothes, and life became that much better.

One more WebEx at 3:00, and soon enough it was 5:00 and time to log out.  Supper was another post-Thanksgiving meal of turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce.  

Then off to Wegmans for several dozen dollars of groceries.  The store was as empty as I've ever seen it.  Maybe a combination of pre-snowstorm stocking and post-storm reluctance to drive anywhere.

Good Queen Swirly was just meowing in the kitchen with a fuzzy toy in her mouth, like a good mother calling her kittens for a meal.

Both the little black pooshka and the big ol' creampuff made their way through the drifted snow to our deck for a warm meal and a warm place to rest. 

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