Friday, December 25, 2020

So This Is Christmas

 Completely different from any year heretofore (if heretofore is the word I mean).  No dressing up, no big dinner, no decorations, and no presents.  No preparing for visitors, or driving somewhere to be a visitor.  Wouldn't want to do this every year, but in a way I like this a lot.  

BB made our favorite chicken-lemon-tomato-oregano pasta dish, filled the bird feeders and watched some BBC cozy mysteries.  I did some reading and made some chocolate chip cookies.  A few minutes ago, Good Queen Swirly looked up at me and said "Mew."  There is no part of "Mew" that I don't understand, so we had some good Quality Time together:

Still haven't quite gotten over Dial reducing the size of its Basic packs from 3 bars of soap for a dollar to 2 for a dollar.  All along I've been grafting the old slivers to a new bar, and if I do it right, I get the result seen below.  The old sliver has been used up and the embossed logo from the added bar is revealed.  

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