Friday, December 18, 2020

I did forget...

 ... to wear a mask in a store.  Fortunately, the store was Wally's Deli in Emmaus, where when I walked in, none of the 3 persons present had one on, either, and that included the 2 sandwich makers.  

So if I come down with the coronavirus in the near future, we know why.

Now, what else happened?  I did my job from 8:45 to 5:00, finishing the last thing on my must-do list just before logging off.  BB and I sent four Xmas cards; she had 3 and I sent one to someone from Tabby's Place who had sent one to me.  

Both feral cats were here for a meal tonight.  The little black pooshka was looking up through the back door instead of eating, so BB brought out a can of something else, plated it and warmed it up.  She handed it to me as I knelt by the door, and I placed it next to the pooshka.  As she bowed her head to eat, I sneaked a couple of strokes along the fur on her back, and she didn't recoil.

Spelling Bee took longer than usual, but we finished on the Genius level again.  I like to get about 10 words of more than four letters, including a pangram if possible, and let BB work on it while I'm doing my paying job.

Some more Trump deposits on the way?  I'm OK with that.  Not that we need to buy anything, thankfully.  (Hey you, whoever you are who's stumbled onto this, whenever that is:  Save your money -- you're going to need it.  Don't commit to a guaranteed expense, like children or extended-payment consumer goods, without a reasonably-guaranteed source of income.  No item is as nice as the feeling of being debt-free.)

Took a quick look at indoor bicycles, but between the quarantine and the coming winter, it's a seller's market and that's not when I want to buy.

Prepared some pizza dough for tomorrow in the Hitachi bread machine.  That was a great buy, and it keeps on going.  It's so old the manual doesn't even have a website, which puts it prior to 2000 at the very least.  I don't use it to bake bread, just to make dough for cinnamon buns and pizza.  (And I'm looking at bagel recipes now.)

But I know it won't last forever, so for fun I looked for info on bread machines, and learned that the quarantine has made it a seller's market, and you know what I think of that.  Worst case, I can use the 20-year-old food processor or the 20-year-old stand mixer with its bread hook.  

I don't think I've mentioned what I read, so just because this was begun to chronicle (if chronicle is the word I mean -- thanks, Mr. Wodehouse) daily life during a pandemic, here goes:  subscriptions to the NY Times and Washington Post, plus The New Yorker.  Mornings, I use the iPad with Google News and Feedly to accumulate stories from other sources on subjects like golf, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and Nebraska womens' volleyball.  Oh, and cats, too.

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