Monday, June 14, 2021

Catching up

Saturday, it was a drive to the Bethlehem ShopRite for a couple of specific things (John Martin brand pork products, ham and bacon) and a bunch of anything else that caught our eye.  There always seems to be an ice cream product on sale, whether it's Ben and Jerry's at $2 off per pint, or in this case, Dove Bar products at half off.  The full-size bars were sold out, but the minis weren't, so we got a couple of boxes at $1.99 each instead of $3.99.  Still, the bill at the end wasn't far short of $100.  Back home, baked M&M cookies and finished off the leftover pizza from Friday night.

Sunday, fixed the sticky handle on BB's toilet.  I've learned my lesson well from Red Green:  if it sticks and it shouldn't, use WD-40; if it doesn't stick and it should, use duct tape.

Also Sunday, BB won a Wordscapes tourney, building a big lead early and making it clear to all pursuers that she knew where they were and that they weren't going to get anywhere near striking distance.  A big cheer for my sweetie!

Baked peach streusel cake for BB.  Didn't build the garage cabinets or set up the wall racks for them, but there's time for that.  I have the day off this Friday.

Today, a rep from a local window company came out to give us a quote.  Everything they've done so far has been done right.  I left a message for three local companies over a weekend, and this one got back to me at 10:00 Monday morning.  The others didn't until the following day.  This one set up an appointment for noon today, and said they'd call Friday to re-confirm.  The call to re-confirm came as promised, and the rep arrived at 5 minutes till noon.  Then he went all around the house and quoted a price that was even higher than what I'd estimated based on my research.  Don't know how far down they'll come, but it's definitely on the good-fast-but-not-cheap end.  Next window rep is scheduled for early next Monday, so we'll see what they have to say. 

Fun stuff, keeping Google busy:  reading about cartoons that used catchphrases from radio shows...   reading about Drew Pearson's diaries, and finding out that the wife of the man Pearson outed was also the woman who was responsible for building Mar-a-lago... if I'm planning to continue to volunteer at Tabby's Place, it might come in handy to be able to make little videos with audio tracks, so I looked at digital audio workstations.  

I wanted to favor the free ones, but they were either too limited or too difficult for me to learn via the available tutorial materials.  I wound up springing for Mixcraft 9 instead.  The videos made sense right away, and there are gigabytes of loops available for assembling background music.  

Next project:  go through all the AVI/MOV/MP4 files taken over the past 11 or 12 years and organize them.  No doubt 90% of it is crap, but there's bound to be some gold as well.

OK then, that'll keep me occupied for awhile...

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