Friday, July 16, 2021

Satisfaction (and how I got some)

Got some things accomplished today.  No, I'm not talking about the Times Spelling Bee (although I did get the pangram).  At work, I had a tedious job involving a lot of manual sifting through files, and after a few days of that, I called on Google to see if there was an easier way.  There was - what was taking five minutes or more is now down to 30 seconds.  At this rate, the job should be done by the deadline of next Friday.

Of course, I won't be online doing that, since as usual I've taken vacation time for the week of my birthday and BB's.  But I'll log in briefly to show my backup how it's done.  She should appreciate that.

And as David Byrne might have put it, "I'm taking pictures!  I'm taking pictures again!"  Well, yes, I've been doing snapshots all along, but after several years, I pulled out the DSLR and am refamiliarizing myself with it.  YouTube videos work so much better for me than owner's manuals or even Dummies guides.   

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