Tuesday, August 3, 2021

A little list

Things I'd like to get accomplished, jotted down yesterday afternoon:


Fred Allen:  Much Ado About Me

Louise Brooks:  Lulu in Hollywood (after seeing the mention in Rachel Syme's New Yorker article)

Ernie Pyle:  Brave Men (want to read this right before writing for Tabby's Place. I like how he told a story, and maybe something will rub off.)

Le Monde:  Catching up with the Pegasus story.  

The rest:

T5i refresher course via YouTube

Speedlite refresher, too

Sand down the patch on the family room wall and re-paint

Credit Union for SD-box

Tivo:  more than one old movie, maybe also an episode of Tuca and Bertie

Daily DuoLingo lesson; since becoming a fan of Kate NV, it bugs me that I know nothing about the Cyrillic alphabet and Russian language.  Not expecting miracles, but at least I've been exposed to the words for "thank you", "happy birthday", "this" and "where", even though I can't remember them yet.

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