Friday, August 20, 2021

Accomplishments, August 2021

 P. showed me the back door this afternoon and said that I would have to fix the way it fit into the jamb.  How, I asked?  Find a YouTube video, she answered, before adding that there was something inside the hinges or something for that purpose.  Opening the door, I worked on getting that sweet spot, the half-inch or so where my vision is clear, not the blur of being too far away without glasses, nor the fuzziness of being too close with them.  

In addition to the screws holding the hinges in place, there was a small circle within which appeared to be a set for an Allen wrench.  There's already one of those on the door itself, and a small wrench is kept on the frame above it for a quick tightening when the handle jiggles more than it turns.

That Allen wrench was too small for the spot in the hinge, so I pulled the full set from the tool kit that stays in the garage, and my second guess as to the size required was correct.  Then my second attempt at turning the wrench was also successful, leaving a uniform gap between the jamb and the door from top to bottom.  Accepting praise and a kiss from P. modestly, I put the wrenches back in the garage and washed my hands for supper.  

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