Wednesday, April 27, 2022

And Another

Surprised myself by doing more than usual.  Cleaned up some cat puke on the basement steps and followed that by vacuuming the steps, which likely hadn't been done in months.

Four pangrams in today's Spelling Bee, and I found them all.  Some days PG does the majority of the solving, but today wasn't one of them.  

Last year, I bought a program for editing video and creating/assembling royalty-free music, but had difficulty using it.  Maybe not so much that I couldn't learn how, but just not having anything to say.  So I did nothing with it until now.  

But last night, I set a simple task, cutting one 30-second slice from a longer file.  Not simple, as it turned out.  Dragging the file to the edit line produced an error that the file used a codec not compatible with the program.  Googling that message led me to a set of freeware codecs that I installed.  Using them along with Handbrake, which I'd installed last year along with the video/audio program, allowed me to finish the simple task.

I'd put together a list of chores for my day off Friday, but after supper I decided not to wait, and took the leaf blower and snow shovel to the shed, then weed-whacked the brick sidewalk in back of the house.  With the red maple dead and the zelkova dying, there aren't going to be as many opportunities to use that leaf blower.

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