Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Another Day

PG woke me up about 20 after 8, and I immediately got up and walked to my office down the hall from the bedroom.  

Close to noon, a FedEx truck delivered a box and packing materials for me to return the laptop and peripherals to my former employer.  It should be interesting.  They want their phone, but if my new employer doesn't provide a modem pretty soon, I won't be reachable by phone.  

PG wasn't feeling well enough to go out, so I went alone to Wegmans for milk for both of us.  Spotted and bought their last Lindt chocolate ganache Easter egg for half price.  Enjoyed it, but didn't desire any more.  I don't know what's happened to my appetite for sweets, but it has to be good that I don't crave them at this time.  

After work, there was a chapter of Age of Ambition, a chapter of Charlie Chaplin's 1922 book My Trip Abroad, and parts of Chaplin's 1923 movie A Woman of Paris and 1988's Bright Lights, Big City.  That's all the culture I want for now.  Next, boot up the laptop and put it all down in writing.  Then find something on YouTube to listen to and play a few games before going to bed. 

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