Monday, April 11, 2022

There's a difference here, you know

In my 9-to-5 job, I sometimes make decisions based on whether something feels right or wrong, yet my paycheck depends on whether the results are correct, not on how anything feels.  

In my volunteer work, there is no absolute other than whether something is good for the cat or bad for the cat.  When I take pictures of them, and there is more than one take to choose from, the final decision is based on one absolute (whether the eyes are in focus) and the rest of it is dependent on how it looks, whether one take feels better than the rest.

I don't like analyzing sentences, but I can match tenses and collective status because it feels wrong when it is wrong.  In high school band (my only extended period as a musician) I used the sheet music largely only as a guide.  "Oh yeah, the notes go up here," and then I recall what it sounds like at that point in the song and play the part from memory.  

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