First, Twitter: a tweet that China has been waging economic warfare to gain power and influence in Asia and Africa.
Next, a comment on the tweet: "Did they not read Confessions of an Economic Hitman?"
Next, a search for more information about that book. According to its author, the US has used that same kind of strategy to gain power and influence in South America. Decided to side with the reviewers who said the book was long on accusations and short on proof.
Next, the Wikipedia entry for that book also contained a link to Gen. Smedley Butler's "War is a Racket" on the HathiTrust site.
While on HathiTrust, I searched for other collections and found a recently updated one devoted to Cats. One of the books is Walter Chandoha's Book of Kittens and Cats, copyright date 1963. The black-and-white photos aren't as useful as the author's advice for wannabe cat photographers. While some of it is no longer relevant since film gave way to digital, other parts may be more impervious to time.
He recommends a shutter of 1/250 or even 1/500, an aperture of f/16 or f/22, and the absolute need for flash or a speedlight. But most important, beyond the equipment and the usefulness of an assistant, is "lots of patience."
And now, to go to Tabby's Place and try to put some of that knowledge into practice.
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