How I spent a couple of pleasant hours in the public domain yesterday evening. I picked a random vaudeville review, one that was sparing in its praise for both members of the team of Bronson and Baldwin. Bronson's poem was good, the song was too long, and the best thing the reviewer could write about Winnie Baldwin was that she looked nice.
New York Clipper, May 13, 1917
Later that year, both Bronson and Baldwin had starring roles in a Broadway show, so Mr. H.G.'s review didn't seem to set the team back any. But the show only lasted 96 performances, and that was the last time he appeared on Broadway. She starred in one other show in 1925 that topped out at 136 performances. By then, the two had divorced.
He remarried in December 1927, went back to work on stage the next day, and died before the week was up.
Variety, December 28, 1927
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