Monday, May 15, 2023

Welcoming Wildflowers

The wildflowers in our area have different seasons.  In February, if the weather hasn't been too cold, you can see the first tiny blue speedwell flowers.  Along about April, wood violets make their appearance, and just as they fade away, the roadside Dame's Rocket begins to blossom.  This faux phlox spreads quickly and unpredictably, so that you might find one large clump surrounded by open green space.  Here's a good-sized patch, a mile or so west of home.  

Soon, the chicory flowers will take their place along the back roads and the main roads.  

Trivia:  the slightly elevated area at top right, in front of the stand of trees, was the location of an abandoned farmhouse.  It was burned decades ago by the local fire department so they could practice reacting to blazes.  


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