Friday, September 1, 2023

C'est cette chanson que j'aime...

Blogger's stat sheet says that there have been hundreds of hits this week on this humble, unpublicized, quiet corner of cyberspace, and they all came from Singapore.  It makes a fellow wonder.  Stocking up their files for future AI?

I spent my junior year of college in a small city in France.  Lots of memories, kept in some small cahiers and presently residing in a small box at the bottom of a closet upstairs.  

But some of those memories are in the form of music, and tonight I learned that one of the tubes of my stay in France was used last year in a TV commercial for a supermarché named Intermarché. (The link contains both the commercial and the original song, paroles et musique. A cette heure, de toute façon.)  

Back then, with my limited French, I thought it was a song like I Will Survive, where the singer was determined to go on living despite having lost their lover.  Now, I see it more as the singer rejecting that lover due to his own égoïsme.  Like the joke with a sharp point that a female stand-up made about a former boyfriend:  "We had a lot in common.  We both loved him and hated me."

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