Sunday, September 10, 2023

No trouble at all

While our other three Good Cats get into the occasional scuffle, our Good Queen Swirly stays out of the fray. I have taken to referring to her not only as a Good Cat, but also A Cat Who Never Causes Any Trouble. Even if the catchiness of the phrase is debatable, the veracity is not. Swirly is simply a perfectly well-behaved cat.

Now, there was a brief period a year or two ago when she would mess up the cover on the sofa, but it didn't take long to realize that she was looking for a place to snuggle away and hide. I began to put a soft fleece blanket over top of the sofa cover, leaving her a little room to crawl underneath, and the cover has remained intact ever since.

But recently, Pat saw a small cat bed with a hood, and immediately thought of Swirly. We bought the bed, and when we got it home, Pat asked me to hold onto it awhile so it would have a smell Swirly was familiar with. Then, Pat placed it behind an armchair in the corner of the family room, and we waited.

The result is below. Swirly now takes all her naps in the bed Pat picked out just for her. And she never causes any trouble. 

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