Monday, September 18, 2023

Lots planned, lots done

Sunday, September 17

Just notes for now.  If I feel like it, I'll expand on them eventually.

Photos of the freshly blossomed purple asters in the wildflower patch around the corner, below the Route 222 bypass.

Photos of the Quakertown, NJ meadow.  Different from last year.  Signs warning to keep out, don't pick the flowers, beware of the bees, and a rope "fence" to delineate the Keep Out area.  Earlier this summer, I walked in a large section of the area that's now roped off.  (Not the meadow part, but the mowed part along the edge of it.)

Quality Time with my good girl Lorna Doone.  They should take off that orange collar soon.

Cookie "Monster" swirling at my feet to greet me.  I didn't offer her the Hand of Friendship, though, not yet.

New cats on the list for photos needed, but several are hiding, can't photograph them

Was able to photograph cats in Suites B, C, E, I, lobby, Community Room

Good Quality Time with Fenek, plus good snapshots and an interesting situation to describe in next month's letter to his supporters.  (YIL about microchip feeders, which open only for certain cats.)

Shoprite:  Whole milk only 3.69, 50 cents or more lower than in PA.  Sale on Tropicana juices, $1 off per bottle, max purchase 4.  So I saved $4.

Back home, downloaded and tagged photos

Practiced 20 minutes before calendar program beeped at me.

Watched Nebraska-Kentucky without falling asleep.  Probably couldn't have done it before losing 15 lbs.

Not bad for a man of my advanced years.

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