Friday, June 21, 2024

Countdown (but to what?)

Closest thing I can think of now is that I ran through stages of grief, and have now reached Acceptance.  Not so much for the job, but for the past 11 years, where there was a steady paycheck with steady yearly increases.  Even though I know SSA has yearly increases too, it starts from a lower point, right?  Yeah.

What was the percentage of people who couldn't come up with $400 for an emergency expense?  (Not as high as the initial headlines blared.)  A few days ago, I looked at replacing a valve on the downstairs toilet, but realized I didn't have the tools or the experience to get it done, even with YouTube videos to reference.  Of course, the plumber tried to upsell me, pointing out that the flapper wasn't as bright red as it should be, so why not replace both the valve and the flapper, only $249, it's like an internal overhaul, you know?  "Let's just get the piece that needs fixing, thanks."  Even that cost $125, and I know the complete valve didn't cost more than $25 retail.  Give 'em an inch, they'll ask for a mile.  At least I have a couple of paychecks still to come.

June 28 is a few days away.  Then I have to step off that looming cliff, the one I've been unsteadily approaching for the past 36 years.  Might as well look on the bright side (if there is one).  Maybe I'll discover I can fly.

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