Saturday, June 8, 2024

Keeping busy

Still a few working days left.  This was one of the off-days.  So was yesterday, when I transplanted PG's yellow rose on the south side of the house; disposed of a bunch of thistles on the formerly landscaped area out back (which now is about half-covered with wood violets); weed-whacked the brick walk and swept off the shredded greenery, and lopped off a number of branches from the dead magnolia tree next to the shed.  Today, I cut them into smaller pieces that filled a large plastic tub, and hauled the tub along with a trash can containing a dead red rose bush over to the township's yard waste facility.  Tomorrow PG's son will come over with a power saw and cut down what's left of the magnolia.  

On the way home from the facility, I stopped at the Dollar Tree in hopes of finding more flower seeds, but no such luck.  Nothing left but kale, cauliflower, and hot peppers.

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