Monday, June 8, 2020

My Monday

Lots of re-work on the job today due to other person's errors... including one of mine.
Two walks with Pat, even though her hip is painful today.
One solo walk around the entire development.
Beautiful day, sunny and mid-seventies.
Granddaughter Diana's GPA for the school year:  3.97.
Next-door neighbor Lori cut the forsythia branches that had been sticking into the sidewalk.
Ham salad, nacho chips and milk for lunch.
1 1/2 slices of pizza for supper.  Bowl of frosted flakes just now.
Both the pooshka and the creampuff dropped in for supper.
An excellent photo of a rabbit by Carl Bovis on Twitter.  The only thing of his I enjoy more are his pictures of tits.  Blue tits, great tits, bearded tits, doesn't matter, I just love to look at those tits.

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