Thursday, July 9, 2020

Stress or not?

COVID-19:  work from home is very good.  Ideal for an introvert.  I like spreadsheet work.  No driving Route 22 2x day.  Less need for gas.  Car insurance bill reduced by 1/3.  But can not visit Tabby's Place.  No volleyball, either Diana or NU.  I would miss them, unlike MLB.

Cigna/New York Life:  sale scheduled to go through at the end of August.  Lock stock and barrel, I tell the clients.  Nothing to worry about.  But it is still a big change.

GBA:  I don't know anything yet.  
Easy Bill:  the one-man team.

Pat to emergency room.

Me to Dr Velarde tomorrow.

Responsible for 6 cats.  Complicates any move.

Good health, though.  Not in chronic pain.

-- notes taken yesterday evening in ER waiting room, waiting for Pat to be admitted.

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