Monday, July 27, 2020

Too hot for a subject line

The pandemic has us restricted in some ways, and now the excessive heat has added to the limitations.  Where would we go?  No place with other humans.  Take a walk around the development?  Not in 90+ degree heat. 

So then, what to do?  I used some free money from the Amazon Visa to pick up a 128-GB thumb drive for installing Linux Mint 20.  Right now it's still creating a persistent file.  How long does that take?

Forty-three games into a Strat replay of the 1968 Cardinals.  Strong pitching and defense, but below-average hitting.  Cards are 2 games ahead of the Giants and (surprise) the Astros, who were 72-90 in real life. 

Some streaming volleyball, some WWII-era radio broadcasts, and the occasional nap.  Life goes on.

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