Saturday, October 23, 2021

No, not a cat today

The last time I visited Tabby's Place, I was in one of the solariums when I saw a small cat spring to alertness.  Following its intent gaze, I spotted the praying mantis it was tracking, just outside the chain-link fence separating it from the cats.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Fenek Friday

 Two more days, and I'll get to visit my friend Fenek...


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

BB and Friend

Sunday, August 24, 2014.  BB in the Community Room.  Nothing in the notes to tell me seven years later the name of the calico kitten. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

I should be ashamed...

On Sundays, BB & I compete in tourneys of the online game WordScapes, in which a player finds as many words as possible among a given set of letters.  The words the player inputs either go toward solving the puzzle, or if they are not a part of the puzzle, they go into an extra-credit container that we refer to as the Bucket.  Find all the words in the puzzle, and you get credit for all legitimate words you found, including those in the Bucket.  

If the word you make isn't on their list of legitimate dictionary words, it is rejected and you get no score.  That happens more often than we would like, as from time to time a real English word gets the thumbs-down from the game's automated judge.  

Being in terms of maturity still age 11, I thrill to making word entries such as PEE, PEES, or PEED and telling BB, "PEE went in the Bucket."  Or occasionally I will say to her, "The game won't take SHIT from me."  

Tonight, I called over to her, "The game didn't take SNEW."  She responded just as I hoped, "SNEW?  What is SNEW?"

Having been properly set up, I followed through with the punch line learned when I really was age 11 or so, "Not much.  What's new with you?"


How to turn a five-minute job into two days (and still not get it quite right)

Notes taken the day after.  One of these days I'll have to polish them up.

 2020 Dell came with 256 boot SSD, 1TB data HDD.  Added 1 TB SSD on an adapter, 

In 2021, boot SSD is 2/3 full.  Data is well-backed up, (an SSD on the PC, a pair of external SSD that are backed up and one always in safe-deposit box), but not the boot drive.   Between the shrinking free space and the likelihood of HD failure, reasoned that it would just be best practice to come up with a replacement.  

Anyway, it sounded like fun.  I'd already installed Linux Mint on a 10-year-old laptop; swapped a failing HDD for a SATA SSD, and reinstalled Windows on it; replaced a SSD on BB's PC with an HDD that went perfectly smoothly.  Cloned to external enclosure, extra cost, but hey.  Sabrent brand, good quality, can use the enclosure again, you never know.

Did research, after Wirecutter and another recommendation, decided on Samsung 980.  

Samsung has its own proprietary backup/clone.  Used WD licensed Acronis True Image with PG.  Didn't like the other software found when uninstalling it.  Saw one believable forum post saying Samsung-cloned SSD wouldn't boot until other Samsung materials were deleted.  Leery of installing it.  

Want free, so Acronis is out.  Macrium Reflect highly-regarded.  OK, Macrium it is.  Even a short and to-the-point YouTube explaining how.  Sounds like it'll go smoothly.  Make it so.

* where is the clone function in Macrium?  It's not at the top, it's not in the menu, what did they do with it?  Re-watched Macrium YouTube, found it down at the bottom of the screen.  You boys hid it well, but not so well that John Moore can't find it.

* Clone took about 15 minutes.  No error messages.  Success.  Hey, wait a minute, it didn't use the entire 512GB.  256GB is unallocated and wasted.  Guess I'll have to re-size the partitions.

* why is the partition-resizing link greyed out?

* well, screwing in the new SSD isn't going well.  One screw's too little and the other one's causing the stick to bend, and that doesn't seem right.

* why can't I re-format the stick?  If I delete the partitions, then I can't use the clone function.

* Shit, it's not booting. I'm getting a BSOD and a bunch of options.  I don't know what to do, I'm just hitting escape and backing out of it.  Which (by luck) put me into the BIOS screen that allows me to re-set the boot order and give 1st priority to the Samsung 512GB SSD that replaced the hynix 256GB SSD.  

After that, it booted normally and I could use the PC once more.  So that much is good.  But there were a few niggling items:

Went back to the 256GB hynix, but even then, the same difficulty screwing it in.  I must be missing something.  Well, hell.

Up at 4:30 a.m. doing a tech-version of Mise En Place.  The screwdriver case; the box with the 512GB Samsung and all the screws (bless my heart, I did keep all the screws); the box with the Sabrent enclosure and its Thunderbolt wire.  

Back in bed, typing steps into Google Keep.  All involved re-doing something I did wrong the first time.  

More research, some new, some review.  Re-watched Macrium YouTube, saw the essential part of re-allocation.  Use the "maximum" button if you can, over the other 2 ways of using all the space possible.  Later, learned that re-allocation only works if you drag down each section piece by piece, not as an all-in-one.

Oh, that one screw is used to create space so the stick stays flat, and then you use the teeny tiny hold-down screw to go into the bigger spacer screw.  Whatever their names actually are.

Put the 2280 Samsung in the Sabrent enclosure, attach to PC with Thunderbolt wire.   Ah, now in Disk Mgmt, can't right-click and delete certain boot-dependent sections.  It only gives you the "Help" option, not the "Delete".  Well, I'll go up top and delete them there.  No, you can't delete them there, either.  Whatever that damn error message said.  Google that one, too.  

Fortunately, the #1 search result had all the necessary information.  It involved going into DOS (OK, they don't call it DOS anymore, but I remember) and making command-line entries to delete all the non-data sectors.  That worked.  When finished, the SSD stick had re-achieved virgin status.  

And *now*, I can re-start the whole thing.  Open the case, remove the Sound Blaster Z card to be able to access the 256GB hynix SSD.  That left a big hole in the back of the case.  What did I do with that part?  Must be with the rest of the PC spare parts, and that could be anywhere.

Unscrew the wrong screw.  Remove the hynix.  Find the spacer screw and put it in the 2230 hole.  (Maybe it's the 2242, I don't really remember.  Whatever the shortest one is.)  Re-insert the hynix, hold it down with the teeny tiny screw into the spacer screw.  That's what I should have done the first time.

Reboot.  The hynix is installed correctly and the BIOS references it first, so the boot goes properly.

Start Macrium.  Prepare to clone all six boot-worthy sectors from the hynix to the Samsung.   Save the OS piece for last so I can click the Maximum Size button so there's 450 GB free instead of 200 free and another 250GB unallocated.  Start clone.  Fifteen minutes later, clone is finished.

Re-open the case.  Remove the hynix, insert the Samsung.  Finish installation with the spacer screw and the teeny tiny screw that goes inside the spacer screw. 

Re-boot, get the blue screen, hit escape, change the boot order in BIOS so Samsung is first.  Re-re-boot.  Everything works.

Except that now in Disk Management, there's an X: drive that contains about 150MB, of which half is available.  How'd that get there?  

Error message:  can't access X: drive without permission.  Get administrator permission, then try again.  Follow this link and click on the Security tab.

There was no Security tab.  Google search says it's possible to unhide the tab, but obtaining permission involves going in to the Registry, choosing just the right entry and inputting a 1 where there is currently a 0.  Or there's another way that I can't remember, but sounded just as unappetizing.

Well nuts, I'll just delete it in Disk Mgmt.  Can't delete it in DM.  Can't delete it in Explorer, either.  Never mind, it's only 150 MB and it doesn't contain anything I need, I think.

Prepared the 256GB SSD, correctly screwed in to motherboard.

Prepared the 512GB SSD, correctly inserted in the Sabrent enclosure and attached to the PC with the Thunderbolt cable.

Boot PC, start Macrium, set up the clone process.  Press start, step back and let it do its thing.

Clone finished, power down PC.  Take out the 256GB SSD, insert the clone 512GB SSD.  Close case back up.  Re-connect power cord and HDMI cable.  Same with the wired keyboard and the wire to the sound bar.

Re-boot PC, fix the BIOS so it references the 512GB SSD first.  Let it boot.

Success.  (But what's that X: drive?  Ah fuck it, it's only 150MB.  Declare victory and go home.)  

256GB SSD can go into the safe-deposit box next time I go to the credit union.

So anyway, I learned something.

Los and Foundt

Previously, I'd posted a picture of a sunflower that sprouted from some uneaten bird seed.  This is the top of another volunteer in the same patch of ground.  It looks like a corn stalk to me, although I'll check with Google Images to try to confirm.  This is the very top of the plant.  

Now, the subject line has to do with the photo and others taken the same day.  On October 14, using my phone I snapped some pictures and a short video of the road construction taking place next to our development.  Later that day, I brought out the PowerShot and took several more of the volunteer corn stalk, taking them from different angles and distances to blur the background.  The angle of the sun and the shady background in this one turned out the best.  

I downloaded both sets of 10/14 snapshots to the laptop and assigned folders to them in FastStone.  Yesterday, I intended to come back to those images and looked for them in Adobe Bridge, but the folders were empty.  So what happened?  Might have been a glitch in Dropbox, and I might have deleted them by mistake, but I doubt that.  If they were all in one folder, maybe, but not two separate folders.  

I'd already deleted the road construction set from my phone, but at least the corn stalk shots were still on the SD card in the camera.  And if I was going to lose anything, I'd have chosen the former, which were just to document construction, over the latter. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Infertile ground, for some


You'd think this spot would be a good one for growing things.  Seemingly well-located, facing the sun on the south side of the house, three decorative plants stand with bare stems.  I'm thinking they may not have survived the winter, and that would be more understandable.  

However, the earth is more hospitable there for a small patch of yellow wood sorrel that has pushed its way through the landscaping stones, and it enjoys an unobstructed view of the bright morning sun.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

The State of Me

Sleeping well, eating properly, enjoying the good things in life.  Today was one of those days I want to document and come back to when times are tough again.  

BB and I picked up a Wally Hog at noon, and went across the road to the Weis for Dove Bars and cat food.  Couldn't find good frozen peaches, but there's still time before the weekend, when I'll make some more praline peach muffins.  Couldn't find the caramel cone ice cream we've both taken to, but will keep trying.

Lots of wildflowers behind the new Air Products building.  Maybe Saturday or Sunday morning I'll take the DSLR over there and try for an image where red clovers, chicory, hawkweed and Queen Anne's lace are all in the frame, bits of color everywhere.  

Enough going on with taking and processing pictures, writing, and reading that I haven't felt empty or useless for weeks.  Next project begins Saturday, when the 500GB SSD arrives and I use Macrium to clone the 250GB Hynix that came with this Dell.  About 2/3 of the Hynix is spoken for, and there's nothing data-related on it, just apps.  

I never need an alarm clock.  If I'm in bed before midnight, I wake up well before the 8:30 start time for work.

BB just called up to me and asked if I have time to take a walk.  Be right back.

- - - - - - - - - - -

The good things in life.  About as far as possible from "And you may say to yourself/My god, what have I done?"

Still working on letting the past go, but lately I've taken to saying "You did what you did," and while it's a clunky mantra, it helps me remember to forget.


Throwback Thursday at Tabby's Place: Carrot

Lola the Rescued Cat devoted a post to Thanksgiving 2018 at Tabby's Place, and included was a portrait of Carrot in the solarium.  Not this picture, but in 2021 he still enjoys the fresh air out there.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Welcoming Weber

The first time we saw a chipmunk at this house, it was on the deck, poking its head out from beneath the Weber grill.  Since then, all our chippies have borne the name Weber.  

Our Good Cats can often be seen with their noses against the storm door, keeping a close eye on any little furry creatures that happen past.

This little Weber was nearly completely out of its hidey-hole under a stepping stone, just outside the front door.

When I first saw it, I only had my phone, and took a couple of shots, but knew they were too far away.  But as a pro photographer put it, first, get "a photo", and then try to get "a better photo".  

Weber surprisingly stayed put long enough for me to fetch the PowerShot and take this photo.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Pleasant Surprises


First, I was expecting it to be cloudy throughout the afternoon, but when BB came home from PT at 3:00, there was a good deal of sunshine.  We took a little walk in the neighborhood, and I spotted one wood violet blooming a few months out of season.  Only a few months more, and there'll be dozens growing in that narrow area between the street and the sidewalk.  

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Not a wasted trip

BB and I drove out to the shopping district at noon today.  COVID booster shots were being given in an old A.C. Moore store.

But although her doctor's office had scheduled her for today, the check-in nurse told BB that the booster had to be no less than 6 months after the 2nd Pfizer vaccination, and she was two days short of that mark.  All we could do was re-schedule for two days from now, and go back home.  

However, they couldn't tell us which route to take home.  We arrived via the main Route 22, but returned by way of Mauch Chunk, Huckleberry, and Blue Barn Roads.  Plenty of farmers' fields ready for harvest, and all along Huckleberry, there were large swaths of wildflowers.  Eventually, I had to pull over, put on the blinkers, and take a closer look.  

I don't recognize either of these, but after posting I'll give Google Images a crack at it.   (They seem to think the top one is Common Blue Wood Aster.)

The one immediately below looked a lot more purple than it's showing here.  

Not as sharp as I'd like.  I should have broken down and activated the flash.


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tabby's Twofur Tuesday


Oh my...

Monday, October 4, 2021

Moggie Monday at Tabby's Place


Someone asked me yesterday if I knew who this cat is, but I couldn't help.  It's the first time I've seen him/her, and it looks like there's been some health issue recently, judging from the shaved area on the cat's throat.  

This cat tried to approach me, but was hissed at by Obsidian, who was already on my lap.  Then the cat tried to go beneath the cages, but was hissed at and growled at by the grey cat already under them.  But the cat does have food, shelter, and medical care, and more good things will come in time.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Good for a smile

Someone's trying to tell us they think they have a better option than the water dishes on the floor of the lounge.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

My lucky night

There wasn't anything good on TV.  There seldom is.  My contribution to the backlog on Tivo consists of old movies and a couple of older ones.  There's also some volleyball and the MLB broadcast of Don Larsen's perfect game.  If I watch something that began on television, it's likely on YouTube, where someone who labels himself "Free the Kinescopes!" has been posting shows like Studio One from the Truman Administration.  

All this is to set the scene at about 8:45 tonight.  I'd stopped watching the Buster Keaton documentary on Tivo and had returned to live TV.  It was set to the Philadephia PBS station and showing a Doc Martin, which I've never watched.  I still haven't; I was reading something on the iPad.  

I don't remember how it happened, but I looked up from the iPad and there were chicory flowers onscreen.  Chicory flowers grow along the country roads around here too, and I've seen some as well protruding through cracks in the pavement in Allentown proper, just off Tilghman Street. They mean summer, they mean pretty flowers where they're not expected, they mean life thriving in inhospitable places where they're not welcome and called names, they're determined and indomitable.  

I ran back the footage to the beginning, right after Doc Martin ended.  WHYY was filling the minutes before the top of the hour with a short feature on a local artist.  

She explained that she couldn't travel far, so she decided to make her art with the materials available to her, and that included a weedy vacant lot across from her studio.  As she walked through the lot, identifying brushweed, milkweed and other resident plants, I paused it on a frame that held chicory in the foreground and the artist in the background, and hurriedly snapped a screen shot with my phone.  

Then I recorded a couple of video clips so I could keep the memory of someone else celebrating the wildflowers I also like and which so many others refer to as ugly weeds.  

Special Needs Caturday with lap cat Fenek
