Thursday, October 14, 2021

The State of Me

Sleeping well, eating properly, enjoying the good things in life.  Today was one of those days I want to document and come back to when times are tough again.  

BB and I picked up a Wally Hog at noon, and went across the road to the Weis for Dove Bars and cat food.  Couldn't find good frozen peaches, but there's still time before the weekend, when I'll make some more praline peach muffins.  Couldn't find the caramel cone ice cream we've both taken to, but will keep trying.

Lots of wildflowers behind the new Air Products building.  Maybe Saturday or Sunday morning I'll take the DSLR over there and try for an image where red clovers, chicory, hawkweed and Queen Anne's lace are all in the frame, bits of color everywhere.  

Enough going on with taking and processing pictures, writing, and reading that I haven't felt empty or useless for weeks.  Next project begins Saturday, when the 500GB SSD arrives and I use Macrium to clone the 250GB Hynix that came with this Dell.  About 2/3 of the Hynix is spoken for, and there's nothing data-related on it, just apps.  

I never need an alarm clock.  If I'm in bed before midnight, I wake up well before the 8:30 start time for work.

BB just called up to me and asked if I have time to take a walk.  Be right back.

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The good things in life.  About as far as possible from "And you may say to yourself/My god, what have I done?"

Still working on letting the past go, but lately I've taken to saying "You did what you did," and while it's a clunky mantra, it helps me remember to forget.


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