Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Not a wasted trip

BB and I drove out to the shopping district at noon today.  COVID booster shots were being given in an old A.C. Moore store.

But although her doctor's office had scheduled her for today, the check-in nurse told BB that the booster had to be no less than 6 months after the 2nd Pfizer vaccination, and she was two days short of that mark.  All we could do was re-schedule for two days from now, and go back home.  

However, they couldn't tell us which route to take home.  We arrived via the main Route 22, but returned by way of Mauch Chunk, Huckleberry, and Blue Barn Roads.  Plenty of farmers' fields ready for harvest, and all along Huckleberry, there were large swaths of wildflowers.  Eventually, I had to pull over, put on the blinkers, and take a closer look.  

I don't recognize either of these, but after posting I'll give Google Images a crack at it.   (They seem to think the top one is Common Blue Wood Aster.)

The one immediately below looked a lot more purple than it's showing here.  

Not as sharp as I'd like.  I should have broken down and activated the flash.


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